Swallowing and the Spine: Cervical Spine Disorders and Dysphagia


Course Description

Course Description:

Dysphagia in patients with cervical spine involvement is an under-recognized and under-identified impairment.  This course will increase awareness of the potential for swallow impairment in patients with cervical involvement including those with spinal deformities, spinal cord injuries, osteophytes, cervical bracing and status-post spinal surgeries.  Participants will be provided with data re: the nature of the relationship between dysphagia and cervical spine impairments as well as specific tools and strategies to improve identification of swallowing impairment in at-risk populations.  The evidence base for intervention strategies including diet modifications, compensations, and exercise will be reviewed and clinicians will be provided with a variety of potential tools to better identify and manage dysphagia in this vulnerable client population. 

Contact Hours: 2
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate